Smartroller LAB

“You have to do this as if you wanted to waste your time, but waste your time efficiently" (Feldenkrais, rg94, p. 149).”I have often been asked how do you use the Smartroller tools. Lately I am reminded of this concept and have tried to act on it with playing with the Smartroller tools to inspire new ideas and kinesthetic inquiry. I hope they inspire you.

Here are some visual aides on how to use the Smartroller and tools. Feldenkrais strategies work best with less use of the eyes. However, it can sometimes be challenging to know if you are on the right track. I am posting a few here, but I also recommend following on Instagram (@Smartroller) for weekly add ons. Here’s the thing, you don’t have to subscribe to Instagram to check out the vids, just search for Smartroller with Instagram and you will be able to see novel ways to use your Smart tools. Move to learn and enjoy! #LearningThroughTheNervousSystem